CTS Water Microbiology provides fast and specific detection of Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria in water samples, biofilms, and raw materials – helping clients identify contamination before it becomes an issue.
Importance of Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria Testing
Microorganisms, such as bacteria, naturally develop in closed circuit systems. Aerobic bacteria will first grow in aerated sections of the system. Then, if poor agitation or water flow occurs within the circuit, the organisms will quickly reduce oxygen levels and cause anaerobic activity through Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria (SRBs).
Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria live in oxygen-deficient environments, such as deep walls, stagnant distribution / plumbing systems, and biofilms in water softeners / heaters. Here, the bacteria produce hydrogen sulphide, causing the water to have a rotten egg smell, a metallic sheen, slimy coatings that appear yellow, brown, red, or black, and brown foam.
These bacteria and their characteristic corrosion product, iron sulphide, are associated with microbially-induced corrosion (MIC) of iron-based metals.

Our Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria Test Services
At CTS Water Microbiology, our experts test samples for Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria using five day culture methods. Results will be displayed as basic presence / absence verification, and an indicated level of relevant bacterial detection contained in your sample.
Numerous factors influence the growth of microorganisms in a closed circuit system, which we can advise you on to ensure maximum microbiological control. These include:
- Efficacy of pre-commission cleaning
- Temperature of operation
- Effective circulation
- Nutrient availability
- Level of present inhibitory substances (e.g., glycol)

Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria Testing from CTS Water Microbiology
It is much easier and more cost-effective to maintain microbiological control within a closed circuit system than to clean up a heavy build-up of biofilm. With regular Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria tests, we can help you determine the best way to treat or manage an issue by understanding the source of contamination early.
Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria testing from CTS Water Microbiology offers:
- Accurate detection of SRBs
- Short time-to-result
- Maximum specificity
- Only living bacteria are detected
- Detection is based on our reliable five day culture method
- Testing on various sample materials

To learn more about our microbiology and chemistry testing services and how we can help you, contact the CTS Water Microbiology team today!